
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pandora's Box

I remember reading a certain friends entry about Pandora's box and it left me completely dumbfounded. Heres how it goes:

If I had remembered correctly, when pandora's box was opened, the last of all that had resided in the box and subsequently released was hope; amongst the multitude of evils unleashed.
Hope is good, is it not?
I beg to differ.
Hope is akin to dreaming.
It breeds in people a feeling of possibility.
Possibility mean that there is a certain percentage of impossibility.
This means that the bigger the hope, so is the disappointment when it fails to come true.
Realism. Pessimism. Thats what life is. The cold water to wake one up.
It brings people down to earth; breeds joy when something pleasantly unexpected occurs.
Only fools hope. I choose to be the pessimist. The cynic.
The less the hope, the happier I am for never had I placed too much hope in anything;
I aim, I want, I demand.
If not? I throw the idea away. Some call it giving up, I call it practical.
Hope is only useful as a word to be used conveniently.

Wow! Notice how we have always looked at one side of the story when there are a few perspectives you can look at things from and gray areas to explore. I guess education or maybe even our own humane desires only teaches or forces us to look at only one side of things, the side where you think its the best for you or the side where we want them or hope they look like if you know what I mean. Conforming. Institutionalization. Something which I will be going through soon. At times, I find myself lost in my own train of thoughts writing down random words and phrases swimming around my head. Somehow I feel a sense of inner peace whenever I stare at the white pieces of paper on my trusty orange notebook while thinking of what to write. Writing is something which I hope I can revisit soon. But nothing beats a lazy day at the beach with some soothing tunes from my weedmachine and something to hold on really tight to and nothing to worry about. Can't wait for that day to come. Talking about music, I've been listening to some pretty neat songs the past few days and I must say that no one writes down better lyrics than John Mayer.
Man On The Side and My Stupid Mouth. Two great songs with lyrics that never fails to amaze me. I believe we are somehow able to relate to that song one way or another, well maybe more for me. Covered In The Rain, another great song which just adds to the overall emotional journey you are about to embark on if you ever click on the links. Maybe its the guitar riff in the middle. Maybe not. For the best experience, listen to it on a lazy afternoon in your bed with your blankets up and the aircons blasting. Theres tonnes of stuff on my mind but its impossible for words to illustrate them. Maybe I shall write a song. Maybe not.

"Maybe its the sadness in your eyes,
when beads of tears stream down your face,
Maybe it was the insecurity you might have felt,
It made you look so vulnerable.
All I could do was to look at you at a distance
and it was killing me the whole damn time"


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