
Thursday, February 15, 2007

crooked nose

my dear nose has been giving me tons of problems lately. it has been bleeding like almost every night for the past few days. yea, i know wad ur thinking and no i definitely did not look at those stuff. it all started when we had a course jog last friday. after the jog i was resting when suddenly lynette pointed out that blood was coming out of my nose. i didnt really notice it until i rubbed my nose with my arm. to my horror, there it was, fresh and thick blood. stained all over my hand. i freaked out and quickly went to the toilet and cleaned up the mess. guess the late nights are finally taking its toll. please nose, dont give me anymore problems or i will bring you to the docs. apel and econs to do in a night! shucks! writing juices, i pray that you guys will keeping flowing tonight and never stop. wadever, anyway valentine's day was a blast! especially the sugar sweet company i had! =)